The Component Library
The Component Library


The component library is a set of useful components that we prepared for you in advance.
It contains all kinds of components: components that read information from sensors, components that do certain actions like halt the program etc.
For each component we will introduce the cmp code.
To use a component you should import it first to your own component (examples are in "Getting started with componenet language") and initialize it with the right argument (usually a SensorPort or a MotorPort).
Then, you need to feed its in ports, or read its out ports.
Note: Most library components are implemented in java, but the cmp code is enough to learn how to use them.

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These components wrap the NXT sensors. Their goal is to sample the relevant sensor each cycle, and output the sample in an out port.

Touch Sensor

This component reads the touch sensor and outputs in 'pressed' port 'true' if it is pressed, 'false' else.
Argument is the lejos.nxt.SensorPort that the sensor is connected to.

TouchSensor.cmp code:


component TouchSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Boolean pressed;
Light Sensor

This component reads the light sensor and outputs the brightness in 'brightness' port as an integer between 0-1023. (0=dark, 1023=bright)
Argument is the lejos.nxt.SensorPort that the sensor is connected to.

LightSensor.cmp code:


component LightSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Integer brightness;
Ultrasonic Sensor

This component reads the ultrasonic sensor and outputs the range in 'range' port as a Double between 0 cm to 255 cm.
Argument is the lejos.nxt.SensorPort that the sensor is connected to.

UltrasonicSensor.cmp code:


component UltrasonicSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Double range;
Color Sensor

This component reads the color sensor and outputs the color in 'color' port as a Color.
More information about Color type is here.
Our recommendation is to use this component along with the Color Distinguisher component, that can evaluate the color RGB to a name.
Argument is the lejos.nxt.SensorPort that the sensor is connected to.

ColorSensor.cmp code:

import lejos.nxt.ColorSensor.Color;

component ColorSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Color color;
Sound Sensor

This component reads noise rate from sound sensor, as a percentage from 0 to 100.
It has one out port 'volume' for that cause.

SoundSensor.cmp code:


component SoundSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Integer volume;
Gyro Sensor

This component is used to communicate with the gyro sensor.
gyroValue out port is the gyro raw value with offset applied.
angularVelocity out port holds the current angular velocity. When integrating for a heading, values less than 1.0 can be ignored to minimize perceived drift since the resolution of the Gyroscope sensor is 1 deg/sec.
offset in port is used to set the offset used by gyroValue. Default at instantiation is zero.

GyroSensor.cmp code:


component GyroSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Integer gyroValue,
        out Float angularVelocity,
        in Integer offset;
Compass Sensor

This component is used to communicate with the compass sensor. Degrees out port reads the directional heading in degrees (0 to 359.9) while 0 is North.
DegreesCartesian out port reads cartesian degrees from 0 to 360, but -
resetCartesianZero in port can be used to designate any direction as zero, rather than relying on North as being zero.

CompassSensor.cmp code:


component CompassSensor[lejos.nxt.SensorPort sensorPort] {
        out Float Degrees,
		out Float DegreesCartesian,
        in Boolean resetCartesianZero;

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Differential Pilot

This component wraps the DifferentialPilot class of the NXT.
The DifferentialPilot class is a software abstraction of the Pilot mechanism of a NXT robot. It contains methods to control robot movements: travel forward or backward in a straight line or a circular path or rotate to a new direction.
Arguments are left wheel diameter, right wheel diameter,MotorPort of left motor and MotorPort of right motor.

Input ports:

travelSpeed port - robot speed in cm/s or inch/s (depends on the unit you entered for the wheels).
discrete_speed port - robot speed out of a bank of speeds:

 MotorSpeed.SPEED1 = 0.1*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED2 = 0.2*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED3 = 0.3*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED4 = 0.4*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED5 = 0.5*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED6 = 0.6*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED7 = 0.7*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED8 = 0.8*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED9 = 0.9*(max speed)
 MotorSpeed.SPEED10 = max speed

rotateSpeed port - robot rotation speed in .
bTurn90Right port - if 'true' robot travels about 13cm and turns right about 90 degrees.
bTurn90Left port - if 'true' robot travels about 13cm and turns left about 90 degrees.
bTurn180 port - if 'true' robot turns about 180 degrees.
distance port - travels the inserted distance.
cmd port - command for the pilot:

 MotorCmd.FORWARD - drives the motors forward.
 MotorCmd.STOP - stopps the robot.
 MotorCmd.ROTATELEFTINPLACE - turns left in place.
 MotorCmd.ROTATERIGHTINPLACE - turns right in place.
 MotorCmd.STEERLEFT - drives the robot to the left in an arc path.
 MotorCmd.STEERRIGHT - drives the robot to the right in an arc path.

DifferentialPilot.cmp code:


component DifferentialPilot[Double lWheelDiameter, Double rWheelDiameter, lejos.nxt.MotorPort left, lejos.nxt.MotorPort right] {
        /** speed in distance (wheel diameter) units/sec */
        in Double   travelSpeed, 
        /** rotation speed in degrees per second*/
        in Double   rotateSpeed,
    	in Boolean  bTurn90Right,
    	in Boolean  bTurn90Left,
    	in Boolean  bTurn180,
    	/** distance in cm*/
    	in Double   distance,
    	/** see MotorCmd */
    	in MotorCmd cmd,
    	/** see MotorSpeed */
    	in MotorSpeed discrete_speed;

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This component receives a message as a String in 'message' port and displays it on the LCD screen.

LCD.cmp code:


component LCD {
        in String message;

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This component is responsible for a specific button. It outputs 'true' in 'isPressed' if button is pressed, 'false' else.
Argument is the button number as an Integer whereas:
1=ENTER button
2=LEFT button
3=RIGHT button
4=ESCAPE button

Button.cmp code:


component Button[Integer buttonNr] {
    	out Boolean isPressed;

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Color Distinguisher

This component is used to evaluate the color (of type lejos.nxt.ColorSensor.Color) it receives in 'color' port.
Output ports:
'colorValue' is the color received.
'redValue' is amount of RED between 0-255.
'greenValue' is amount of GREEN between 0-255.
'blueValue' is amount of BLUE between 0-255.
'rgbValues' is a string "R;G;B;" where R,G,B are RED,GREEN,BLUE values.
'colorName' is color name in a string.
'colorNumber' is enum of the color:


ColorDistinguisher.cmp code:

import lejos.nxt.ColorSensor.Color;

component ColorDistinguisher{
        in Color color,
        out Color colorValue,
        out Integer redValue,
        out Integer greenValue,
        out Integer blueValue,
        out String rgbValues,
        out String colorName,
        out Integer colorNumber;

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System Exit

This component is resposible for halting the program.
If 'bExitSystem' is 'true' the system will exit.

SystemExit.cmp code:


component SystemExit{
		in Boolean bExitSystem;


This component is responsible for operating a LED that is connected to a MotorPort.
If 'led_on' is 'true' then LED will be on, and off if 'false'.
Argument is lejos.nxt.MotorPort that the LED is connected to.

LED.cmp code:


component LED[lejos.nxt.MotorPort motorport] {
        in Boolean led_on;

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Sound on Brick

SoundOnBrick.cmp code:


component SoundOnBrick {
    	in Boolean bPlaySingleBeep,
    	in Boolean bPlayImperialMarch;

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Download Library

You can download the library files from this link for your own convenience.

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